- Boobage: Check
- Ultra Violence: Check
- Swordfights: Check
- Hunky guys: Check
I actually approached this movie with little expectations but loads of curiosity. But what I saw was one of the coolest anime films of the year. I really expected the story to suck, but the story actually does it's part and ends up leaving a very nice feeling of "Wholeness" in you. And it goes something like this:
Colin Mcloud has been searching for Marcus Octavius along the ghost-druid Amergan, in a never ending quest for the revenge of the murder of his lover centuries ago on the celtic plains.
Colin's fight is one that has been waged in the background of every great war of humankind. From the destruction of Rome to the bitter future of a post-apocalyptic New York city... The wars of man have been entwined with the struggle of revenge waged between Colin and Marcus. Marcus wants to create Rome again and again, and Colin is bound to destroy his ambitions, not ever quite achieving his revenge.
The battle reaches it's climax in a distaster-struck New york city-state where Marcus threatens to rule out the remaining rebel fighters that oppose his iron grip by releasing a killer virus. With Colin as a trump card, will the Rebels be able to stand and win the fight or will Colin run blindly towards revenge, abandoning those that trust him blindly?
Technically, Highlander is all you would expect from Madhouse studio. Incredible backgrounds, well achieved CG, Awesome character designs and fluid animation. It's a feast to the eyes and the story is good enough to keep you glued to the screen. I really expected this movie to be cheesy and B-grade, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it actually is a very fun action movie I'm not bothered to watch again.
The movie itself is distributed by Manga entertainment and was originally produced in english. The dub is really nice too.
Highlander Vengeance gets 4 our of 5 stars of immortality and beheading.
1 comentario:
Oyessss!!! dijiste que ya habias bajado le pelicula, no? que tal esta, ya la viste? esta recomendable O.O *la emoción le mata de tension por saber*
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